Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scottish Recipes - Oat Cakes

Ahh Scottish Oat Cakes

A cute little oaty cracker, fantastic with a lump of Scottish Cheddar, enough said

Scottish Oat cakes

Why oh why have I never thought of it before..... Make my own Oat Cakes

I crave these little oaty biscuits for cheese

I used to put in a special request for Oat Cakes with my Mum and Dad all the time, they needed to bring a few in their suitcase on visits from Scotland to Texas, and they had to be the rough homemade looking ones, my Dad, who is also an Oat cake specialist in my eyes, knows what I mean when I request a certain type, we both share the same opinions about the ply-board looking ones

I hate the ones that are like compressed ply board shavings ....ewww they need to be oaty and grainy for me and these oat cakes I am making today hit the mark, I got a tad excited when I saw that rough raw oatmeal was used and sprinkled in this recipe

Bet my dad wont believe it, yes Dad I am making Oat Cakes now....

Makes 12

You will need

110g/4oz Medium Oatmeal
25g/1oz Plain or All Purpose Flour
25g/1oz Butter
quarter cup boiling water
pinch of Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Sugar

Ingredients for Oat Cakes

  • Place Oatmeal into a large mixing bowl then sift flour, salt, sugar and baking powder into the oatmeal, Mix well

  • Pour boiling water into a separate bowl and add the butter and gently stir until butter is melted
Butter and boiled water mixture

  • Add hot butter mixture to the dry ingredients in the large bowl
Oatcake mixture

  • Mix well until mixture is spongy (add more water if needed)
Oatcake mixture

  • Turn mixture onto a surface covered with dry oatmeal then sprinkle more oatmeal on top
Oat cake mixture

  • Flatten and roll dough until quarter inch thick or slightly less

  • Using a cookie cutter or drinking glass around 2.5cm diameter, cut into rounds. Keep re-rolling mixture until all used, makes 12 rounds
Cutting Oat cakes
Oat Cake rounds ready for the Oven

  • Place on a cookie sheet/baking tray and Bake in oven at 180C or 350F for 20-30 minutes until dried out but still pale looking

  • Leave to cool before enjoying, especially with a nice Mature Scottish Cheddar

Oat Cakes
Oat Cakes and Cheddar

Perfect, who knew it was that easy....

Hope you enjoy these Oat Cakes too


linking up to serenitynow


  1. they look fantastic now where is that seriously strong cheese jummy

    1. Canny kid a kidder ! Seriously strong is impossible to get, I used american cheddar for my photo shoot, lol

  2. Craicin' good oatcakes! Happened on your blog from the Serenity Now hop and love that you are posting Scottish recipes. We visited Scotland for the first time this summer and fell in love! Fun to find that your oatcakes look just like the ones I made to share in our clan tent at the Scottish games.

    1. Hi Denise, glad you stopped by and love Oatcakes as much as me :) So glad also that you visited Scotland, I totally took it for granted when I lived there, now its beauty just amazes me

  3. Que ricas!!, gracias por la receta,saludos desde España!!


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